
Emma, ​​apprentice at the Laboratoire OptimHal-ProtecSom has received the regional medal of the contest “Un des Meilleurs Apprentis de France”

Emma Blondel obtained, Sunday, June 2, 2019, the departmental and regional gold medal of the contest “Un des Meilleurs Apprentis de France” in the ready-to-wear category.



This competition, organized by the “Société Nationale des Meilleurs Ouvriers de France”, is intended for young people under 21 years in initial training or apprenticeship contract, represents the excellence of know-how in more than 200 trades.


A prestigious award that recognizes the motivation, investment and work quality of Emma, ​​a young apprentice in the Laboratoire OptimHal-ProtecSom. And it’s not over ! With this victory Emma will extend the pleasure by participating in the national contest.


Back on her story and passion for fashion :


How was born your passion for fashion and couture ?

Emma: “Already a little girl, I had fun customizing the clothes of my Barbies. It really was a trigger and that’s how I showed an interest in the fashion business.”


Then Emma decided to choose a training in connection with her passion: A bachelor’s degree “Métiers de la Mode Vêtement” at the Thomas Pesquet high school in Coutances. She is doing her alternating training in the Laboratoire OptimHal-ProtecSom which has provided this young apprentice an environment conducive to the success of its various projects.

Soon the end of your apprenticeship, do you already know which business of fashion will you lead to ?

Emma: “During my second year of training, I participated in my first competition: Fashion in Normandy. I realized the technical part of a garment, research part before its conception (choice of the tissues, range of assembly…). This first contest allowed me to consolidate my professional project : to work in a design office and method, to be the link between production and offices. “

What were your motivations to participate in the contest “Un des Meilleurs Apprentis de France” ?

Emma: “I was supported and encouraged by my professors and colleagues from the  Laboratoire OptimHal-ProtecSom”.

Tell us how the contest “Un des Meilleurs Apprentis de France” was occured !

Emma : “We had the choice between 3 projects : ready-to-wear, fuzzy clothes or tailor. I preferred the ready-to-wear theme in which we had to make a dress, subject to specials requirements. For 3 months, I designed step by step the dress and its technical file.”

You received the gold medal, what does it mean for you ?

Emma : “This medal is very rewarding for my work. I hope this award will help me in my future career.”

Speaking of future, what do you do after your bachelor’s degree ?

Emma : “After graduating, there are many ways to consider the futur : look for work or go to school. I decided to carry on my studies by integrating a “BTS Métier de la Mode” to get more skills that will allow me to integrate a design office and method.


OptimHal-ProtecSom laboratory was present at the Respiratory Drug Delivery (RDD) to present three new studies.

OptimHal-ProtecSom laboratory participated to the new edition of the “Respiratory Drug Delivery” Congress holding in Estoril’s Convention Center in Lisbon, Portugal, from May 7th to 10. This congress is one of the most important international event dealing with drug delivery system by respiratory route.

Research team of laboratory OptimHal-ProtecSom was here with a rich and varied program: expositions, sessions, workshop…


OptimHal-ProtecSom emphase on the innovation 

OptimHal-ProtecSom laboratory invests every year more than 25% of its income in its research center. This contribution is essential to offer our team the means to imagine and create medical devices for the future which improves the quality of life to the patients and the work of medical staff.  

Every medical device in our laboratory are subject to various scientific studies to validate their efficiency. This year, three studies had been submitted to the “Respiratory Drug Delivery” congress.

DigitHal®, smart valved holding chamber

Throughout the congress, Edouard CURRAN, PhD, R&D project manager at laboratoire OptimHal-ProtecSom, presented a poster about DigitHal® probe. In this study, an instantaneous, accurate and reproducible measurement of the patient’s respiratory flow was performed by the probe during the valved holding chamber use. The impact of the probe on the drug delivery has also been studied and no change in the efficiency of the valved holding chamber was detected.

With these information, DigitHal® probe could be used as a learning tool which improving technique to the patient.


The importance of developing such help devices was exposed a long time during the session 5 of the congress : “ Re-inventing Inhalers for the Digital Age”.


Discover the DigitHal® probe study




Doctor (PhD) Myriam ECKES, project manager R&D in OptimHal-ProtecSom laboratory, exposes two posters about mechanical ventilation studies.

CombiHaler®, spacer for mechanical ventilation system

The first one deals with the In Vitro performances of CombiHaler® spacer. Dedicated for mechanical ventilation system, CombiHaler® allows the use, without disassembling of the circuit, of a pMDI and a vibrating mesh nebulizer.

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the volume of CombiHaler® spacer on the administration of drugs by mechanical ventilation.


The results shows that the volume has a strong influence when inhalation chamber is placed before the Y piece and less when it’s placed after.

Discover the spacer CombiHaler® study


MinimHal®, the spacer with low volume for mechanical ventilation circuit

MinimHal® is an inhalation chamber with small volume for use in mechanical ventilation breathing system.

Its low volume allows a use for paediatric patients and at different locations on the mechanical ventilation circuit.

The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro performance of MinimHal® in a mechanical ventilation circuit.

Discover the spacer MinimHal study

The OptimHal-ProtecSom Laboratory is present in Dubai for the 44st Congress of Health in the Middle East.

The Arab Health congress takes place, as every year, at the Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Center. (United Arab Emirates).

Arab Health has become one of the key events in the field of the medical devices industry. This show, with international reputation and worldwide importance, attracts more and more health professionals (developers, manufacturer, suppliers …).

This year, more than 4,150 companies will attend the Arab Health congress, representing 160 countries.


For the OptimHal-ProtecSom laboratory, this congress is an important meeting, allowing our team to meet and exchange with many distributors …


Join us at the hall Z2 / B37 to exchange with our team and discover our inhalation interfaces dedicated to respiratory diseases like the TipsHaler® valved holding chamber, the OrHal® septal mask and DigitHal, the recent creation of the OptimHal-ProtecSom laboratory innovative policy.


DigitHal is a sensor and an onboard sensor system implemented on the TipsHaler inhalation chamber. It collects inhalation information and transforms them into a visual or audible signal. Providing these real time data, DigitHal means to improve the technique and patient compliance, which essential parameters are still often missing.


Le laboratoire ProtecSom s’investit davantage dans la lutte contre les acariens

Une campagne d’information et de sensibilisation pour les personnes potentiellement concernées par l’allergie aux acariens voit le jour ! Cette campagne est le fruit d’un solide partenariat entre l’Association Asthme & Allergies, le Laboratoire ProtecSom et plusieurs acteurs spécialistes de l’allergie.  

Tous unis contre l’allergie aux acariens

Asthme & Allergies, association créée en 1991, est devenu l’acteur de référence pour les allergies et l’asthme. Cette association ne cesse de multiplier les actions pour les patients et leurs besoins avec la volonté d’accompagner le patient dans son parcours de soin et de l’aider à mieux vivre avec son allergie ou son asthme.

Tout comme le laboratoire ProtecSom, d’autres partenaires ont apporté leurs soutiens pour réaliser cette campagne de communication.

Simple rhume ou allergie aux acariens, attention à la confusion !

Trop souvent banalisés, les symptômes de l’allergie aux acariens sont souvent perçus comme ceux d’un simple rhume. Pourtant, une rhinite allergique qui n’est pas prise en charge peut avoir de graves conséquences.  


Nez bouché ou nez qui coule, éternuements, fatigue, toux, yeux rouges… Ces symptômes sont aussi contraignants qu’envahissants et ils ont un impact réel sur le quotidien et la qualité de vie des personnes allergiques.


En effet, les allergies respiratoires, en constante augmentation, représentent un réel handicap pour les personnes qui en souffrent tant elles affectent leur quotidien.

Améliorer le quotidien des personnes allergiques

En tant que fabriquant de dispositifs médicaux pour les personnes allergiques aux acariens, nous positionnons le patient au cœur de notre motivation. Il est donc de notre devoir de tout mettre en œuvre pour informer les personnes qui pourront ainsi mettre les bons mots sur leurs maux.


C’est donc tout naturellement que nous avons participé à cette action de communication. A travers celle-ci et avec l’ensemble des acteurs, nous souhaitons informer sur les différents symptômes de l’allergie aux acariens, encourager à établir un diagnostic auprès de leurs médecins, et présenter les solutions qui pourront, de manière durable, améliorer le quotidien des personnes allergiques aux acariens. 

Découvrez dès maintenant cette campagne de communication :



Plus d’informations sur le site Asthme & Allergies :